Monday, December 12, 2011

Tip #363: 6 Tips To Promote Yourself In 2012

You may have the most outstanding service, product, idea or talent in the world -- but in order to be successful, you have to let your target audience know about it. Whether you arehoping to climb the corporate ladder or independently promote yourself, you will need a plan of action - a plan of action that requires your focus.

The Key Is Getting Noticed For Doing The Right Things.

Gaining a promotion at your place of employment has more to do with what you can do to make your boss's workload lighter and their life a little easier. In addition, looking at things differently than someone else will get you noticed. That being said, successfully promoting yourself in the world is more so related to your degrees of diligence and perseverance. And depending upon your circumstances, mastering a few techniques will help move you forward next year.

Click here to read a blog about ways to promote yourself.

6 Tips To Promote Yourself In 2012:

Tip #1. Know Your Organization: It is a good idea to fully understand the goals and objectives of your business. After you have a complete understanding, assess your skills and resources and make a list of things you can do to help the company achieve its goals. Be sure to proof your propositions before presenting them to your boss. If you are independently employed, make sure you have your own clearly defined goals and objectives and that you are maintaining fidelity in attempting to achieve them.

Tip #2. Take On More Responsibility: Increasing your responsibility is good way to show you are ready for that promotion. As long as you are truly prepared to take on more responsibility, your boss will notice the increased production. Keep a log of projects and tasks so you have a record of your capabilities. However, do not arbitrarily undertake more work if you are having trouble keeping up with your current workload. Instead, find a way to organize and effectively manage what is already on your desk to show you are taking the steps to becoming a better employee. Additionally, you may need to put in some extra time (which will most likely be noticed) to become familiar with and acclimated to your new responsibilities.

Tip #3. Display Confidence And Conviction In The Things That You Do: Your expertise and opinions count so stand up and offer suggestions with confidence. The worst your boss can say is, "Thanks but no thanks." And if you are working for yourself, the worst that can happen is your prospect turns you down. Ultimately, your opinion will be valued, and voicing it (without being arrogant, of course) will display the confidence and willingness to promote the company your boss is looking for.

Tip #4. Work On Bartering Services: When independently promoting yourself, offer your services in exchange for goods or services that are useful to you. You will get your name out there with a sample of your work without you or your prospect having to commit to anything long-term. If your product or performance exceeds expectations, it is likely you will be hearing from that person again as well as any referrals he or she may have contacted on your behalf. In turn, you can reciprocate by promoting their business as well.

Tip #5. Use Social Networking (Selectively): Aside from telling the world what you are having for lunch, you can just as easily tell the world the goods or services you have to offer. People actually read and respond to the newsfeeds, and when they do, your post can potentially be viewed by their contacts. Thus, instant networking is literally at your fingertips. You may find that starting a blog would also be a good way to position yourself as an expert.

Tip #6. Use Your Business Card: A timeless marketing tool, the business card can pack a lot of information on a small, convenient and portable piece of paper. With careful consideration, you can come up with a catchy tagline that sums up what you are offering. Use graphics that are relevant to your business without overdoing it. It is also important that you follow up with your prospect; otherwise, your card may end up in a drawer with all the others.

Executive Summary: Promoting yourself can be a challenge, especially if you are typically modest. A little self-knowledge and confidence in your abilities can go a long way if you spend some time refining the skills it takes to advance your cause, whether it is for yourself or ultimately for your company. Additionally, don't forget to start a website (with a blog page) and an e-mail marketing campaign to help position yourself as an expert in your industry.

For more information, visit our website.

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