Thursday, May 31, 2012

E-Tip #389: 5 Quick Tips for Achieving Success in Business

It has been proven that many people in the U.S. workforce view workaholics as the most successful people in business today. Many feel that hard work will bring great rewards, promotion and recognition; however, the key to a successful LIFE is balancing your work and personal life, so you do not get burnt-out or have so much stress that it affects your health. You never hear people say, "Gee, I wish I spent more time at work."

To help you achieve a successful career AND personal life, we listed below 5 tips for you to follow:

Tip #1: Strive For Greatness NOT Perfection - One thing most successful workers have in common is their pursuit for greatness, BUT NOT perfection. The drive to be perfect can wear you out and not deliver any more results than greatness will give - so do not be afraid to do  excellent work on a consistent basis: Reserve unconditional perfection for those really special projects.

Tip #2: Talk-Up Your Personal Successes At The Office - Face the fact, competition is great; however, no one wants to see you succeed more than yourself. Trust me; it pays to be your own cheerleader, so make sure your boss knows about your achievements, the extra time you spend on a project and the results you bring to the organization - especially during review time. If you want to remind people of what you do, keep track of your successes throughout the year.

At the same time, be careful not to overdo it - it could come across as bragging. And if other people were involved, make sure you give them credit, too. This is a great way to build positive relationships with the other team members that you recognized, and it shows you are willing to share the glory.

Tip #3: Working The Right Hours Will Get You Noticed - If you find yourself working late, coming in early or working on a weekend, make sure you pass by your manager's office and say "hello." By doing so, you will earn kudos for showing your dedication and, more importantly, have an opportunity to spend valuable one-on-one time with your superior(s).

Tip #4: Your E-mail's Time/Date Stamp - It Is More Important Than You Think - When you e-mail your manager after hours, the e-mail demonstrates your commitment and the extra time you spent on a project(s). With that being said, there can also be a negative side to these e-mails. Sending messages at 10:00 p.m. on a Saturday night or at 6:00 a.m. on a Sunday morning could indicate that you are not able to manage your time well - conversely, there is something to be said for getting the job done early. You can sometimes make a better impression when you finish your work during normal business hours.

Tip #5: Be The "Go-To" Person When Crunch-Time Rolls Around (And It Will) - You do not have to work 18 hours a day at 7 days a week, but make sure your boss knows that you are someone who is willing to go the extra mile when something needs to be completed.

Executive Summary: Following these 5 tips will generate success without all the negative side effects associated with being a workaholic. Remember, greatness can achieve the same results as perfection, without the added stress. Also, you are your number one supporter, so cheer yourself on. Without doing it in a conceited way, make your accomplished public knowledge so that they are recognized by your superiors. Also, when working extra hours, make an effort to have your dedication recognized. However, be aware that the extra hours and time spend on a project can be interpreted two opposite ways-as either poor time management or going the extra mile.

For more information, visit our website!

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