Monday, January 28, 2013

Tip #429: How To Conduct An Annual Employee Review

No matter when you do an employee review, it gives you a chance to assess your team members on an individual level. While an employee assessment process is often times looked at as an exhaustive process, it does give you a great way to be one-on-one with everyone on your team.

To help you conduct a team member's review, we have listed below a number of ideas and suggestions to make the process substantially easier for both you and your team members.

5 Tips To Conduct Better Team Member Reviews.

To ensure the success of your review process, we suggest distributing some background information about the review process well in advance. Doing so allows your team members to see what is being measured, your goals and, most importantly, your expectations.

When it comes time to conduct the review, include the following components:

Tip #1: General Feedback Summary -

At the beginning of the review, provide the employee with general feedback on their performance. This will set the tone for the review. You can take this opportunity to stress your desire for feedback from the employee.

Tip #2: Specific Points Of Praise And Concern -

When offering positive feedback and constructive criticism, be as specific as possible. "I really like how you handled the customer service process with the client by immediately addressing their specific concern. You resolved the issue within twenty-four hours and we received positive feedback from the client as a result."

Tip #3: Employee Self-Appraisal -

Prior to the interview, provide the employee with a list of performance qualities and job tasks you wish to review. Ask the employee to rate themselves on each item just as you will. This is an excellent way to ensure that you and the employee perceive their performance similarly.

Tip #4: Request Feedback From The Employee -

During the review process, ask the person for their feedback on the best way to manage them (this is a nice opportunity for you to improve your management skills).

Tip #5: Everyone Should Leave The Meeting With An Action Plan -

Both you and your team member should leave each review with an action plan. And to help the employee create their action plan, they must have a clear understanding of the goals and challenges they must overcome to attain their goals.

After All Team Members' Reviews Are Done, Take These 3 Steps:

Once the reviews are complete, what do you do with the results? Think about the review results as data. Use the feedback provided by employees to identify themes and problems. Additionally, apply the results to forward-thinking processes to help your team. You can do this by keeping the following goals in mind during the reviews:

Step #1: Assess Your Team's Cohesion, Strengths And Weaknesses -

After assessing each team member individually, think about how your team works together as a unit and establish changes in process as necessary.

Step #2: Plan The Structure Of Your Team -

If someone on your team is ready for a promotion or you've determined you need more staff to handle the workload, this is a great time to start budgeting for these added expenses.

Step #3: Create And Track Your Team's Goals -

After the review process is done, it's time to set goals for your team - this is especially important as you are held accountable for your team; therefore, it's important to track their success on an ongoing basis.

Executive Summary:

When it comes time to conduct the review, set a conversational tone. You also need to look for both the pros and cons of who they are as an employee. Doing so will help keep them from acting defensively to every piece of constructive criticism. Additionally, make it clear that the employee's feedback is an important part of the review process.
For more information, visit our website!

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