Friday, December 2, 2016

eTip #626 What's Preventing You from Prospering Professionally and Personally?

By Liz Scavnicky-Yaekle

Dale Carnegie said, “Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement. Be ‘hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise.’” We are therefore excited about the latest analysis from the Kauffman Foundation which ranked Connecticut’s “Main Street Entrepreneurship” 9th among the nation’s 25 smaller states which is up from 12th just one year ago. Connecticut was one of only two states to move up three positions in the ranking.
According to survey data, Connecticut’s rate of business owners was 6.55%; the percentage of the adult population who own a business as their main job. If you own a business and are unsatisfied with its performance level, we ask you to ponder what exactly is preventing your business from persevering and prospering?
At Dale Carnegie Training of Western Connecticut, our expertise is helping people become their professional and personal best. Our unique techniques are based on the Human Relations principles penned by Dale Carnegie himself in his best-selling book which was published in 1936, ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People.’ Whether the goal is to foster innovation through collaboration, enable employees to persuade confidently or to strengthen interpersonal relationships, we help organizations create highly engaged workforces to maximize their success every day.
Dale Carnegie said, “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” If you are an employee who is frustrated because it seems that you are unable to attain your professional and personal goals, don’t lose hope. We implore you not to give up, rather to consider another path to success; one that nearly eight million people in over 85 countries have chosen—a Dale Carnegie course. Here a few to consider based on your particular needs:
The Dale Carnegie Course
Perhaps you have great ideas, but lack the confidence to present them. You may struggle under stressful circumstances or when you have to address a tough topic or situation with a co-worker.   If so, check out the world-class Dale Carnegie Course.
Winning with Relationship Selling
Do you or other sales professionals within your organization struggle to attain sales goals? Are retention rates and client relationships where they should be? If you or your sales team needs a proven technique to score more deals, consider the Dale Carnegie Sales Training: Winning with Relationship Selling course.
Leadership Training For Managers
Are you responsible for motivating and managing a team, but lack the leadership skills required to be successful in doing so? Learn effective coaching, delegation and motivational techniques, and how to master problem analysis and decision making by enrolling in the Leadership Training for Managers course.
High Impact Presentations
Do you or your employees’ presentations lack persuasion and punch? The two-day High Impact Presentations seminar is as close as you can get to teaming up with a personal, public speaking coach. Participants present at least seven times and improve their performance by evaluating and learning from their videotaped presentations.
For more information, visit our website!

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