Monday, July 17, 2017

e Tip# 655 Mastering the Moment with Dale Carnegie’s Golden Rules

Mastering the Moment with Dale Carnegie’s Golden Rules

July 17, 2017

peaceDistractions come in more forms than loud noises and Facebook notifications. Getting wrapped up in the past and future is a top contender when it comes to blocking our success too.
Dale Carnegie warns us to break the worry habit before it breaks us, and living in the moment is an integral part of that process. He mentions this tip in his famous Golden Rules. Being present is often credited as a major key to success by acclaimed entrepreneurs like Ric Rubin and Marc Benioff. Carnegie, Rubin, and Benioff have learned that being mindful and centered unlocks success across the board.
Dwelling on the past and obsessing over the future can rob you of all the present moments you’ve built. When we are not fully engaged in the present, our performance is detrimentally impacted in work and our personal relationships. Conversely, when we focus our energy on “the here and now” we set ourselves, and the people around us, up for a better future.
This all sounds good in theory but realistically, being present isn’t always easy.
Dale Carnegie knew this was a challenge for many people. That’s why this skill is something our 8 million graduates have taken away from the Dale Carnegie Training Course.
Mastering this skill starts with accepting your past! There is no “undo button” when it comes to our history. Making peace with the moments that are gone is an instrumental part of our growth.
We have all made mistakes, lost opportunities and people, but these unchangeable moments only shape us in the long-run. Learning to view the past as merely a point of reference from which we learn from will reveal appreciation for the present. You’ll find that the only real value in looking at our past is to appreciate how far we’ve come.
Once you’ve made peace with your past, the next step is releasing your worries about the future. It is certainly necessary to envision your future to effectively plan for what’s ahead. But concentrating on the future becomes problematic when you neglect the present. Success-minded people realize that worry serves no real purpose in our journey.
These principles are often easier said than done. Our 8-week Dale Carnegie Training Course offers participants the tools needed to apply these principles to everyday circumstances. Professionals nationwide are using these fundamental skills to be mindful at every moment. The results are less stress, peace of mind and amplified productivity!
For more information, please visit our website!

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