Monday, July 11, 2016

Tip #605- Three Reasons to Make Mentoring a Priority

Who is your all-time favorite teacher?  Most likely, it was someone who took a sincere interest in you and cared deeply about you.  This mentor understood your goals and dreams, and did everything possible to help you attain them.  You probably still remember his or her wise adages which you apply in your current professional role.
It's unfortunate that for most working Americans, mentorship stops after high school or college graduation.  As Gallup reported, "Schools alone can't be the sole source of mentorship...We desperately need workplaces all over the U.S. to step up and offer mentors and internships on a scale like never before." Here are three reasons to make mentoring a priority in your organization.

Mentors help mentees see 'the forest through the trees.'  It's inevitable to encounter challenges at every rank of any organization.  Sometimes, those struggles hold employees back-they become hung up on what went wrong or are so intently focused on trying to solve one micro problem, that they cannot see the big picture and subsequent realm of solutions.  Dale Carnegie said, "Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement."  Mentors help put setbacks into perspective and offer new ways of approaching challenges. Equally important, mentors positively reinforce what mentees are doing correctly by praising a job well done.  Both actions are necessary to excel in all roles.

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