Monday, September 14, 2009

E-Tip 248 - Is There a Recipe For a Winning Team?

Inevitably we have all had experience participating in multiple teams. As a matter of fact, it can be overwhelming to think about how many teams we are expected to contribute to at any given time. Some teams are energizing to be a part of and others can be draining. What makes one team a winning one while others struggle and fail to achieve? Is there a magic ingredient or recipe?

Many factors go into what makes a team "click". There is no one "recipe" that will work because there are differing personalities and too many variables that affect the team dynamics. That being said, there are components that all high performing teams possess, and competencies that are characteristic of their team members. All good managers know that creating alignment and purpose in a team will help promote action, focus and direction. They also know teams need to work together to identify the values, vision and guiding principles that build successful teamwork.

To help you identify and promote a stronger team, we have listed below 6 competencies team members need to possess to move the team ahead in a positive direction.

6 Core Skills Teams Need To Possess

To strengthen the "sense of common purpose" among team members, we have listed below 6 key competencies to unite your team and give it direction; 2 are primary in nature and the other 4 are related to them.

The 2 Primary Core Competencies:

1. Teamwork: Team members organize work tasks, people, and resources to deliver organization goals on an efficient basis. People know what their roles and responsibilities are and fulfill them in a proficient manner. Think of a rowing team with everyone putting their oars into the water at the same time, pulling in unison for maximum output.

2. Leadership: The team enhances its overall business value by aligning the corporate vision, its mission and organization values to drive business results. This includes the ability to enlist the willing cooperation of others, while tapping into their highest skills and abilities, to achieve desired results. When people see the vision, mission and values truly in alignment, commitment builds and passion is unleashed.

The 4 Secondary Related Competencies:

1. Values: Members are guided by a personal code of ethics. They continuously demonstrate a strong sense of integrity by working in accordance with their personal values. When people are allowed to operate in a manner that is congruent with their values, they can fully connect to the cause or purpose without any "drag" in the water slowing them down.

2. Vision: Team Members are future oriented. They develop an exciting picture of the future of what could be and what should be, regardless of what is currently happening, for them and their organization. They imagine themselves crossing the finish line successfully. This vision engages their hearts and minds and literally opens them to think of new possibilities.

3. Attitude: The team shows a friendly, positive, and enthusiastic outlook no matter how challenging things get. They exude a "can do" spirit that motivates the team and others around them. They provide an oasis from negative input and comments from others that allow them to concentrate on achieving their objectives.

4. Interpersonal Skills: Team members display a consistent ability to build solid relationships of mutual trust and respect inside and outside the organization. They can adjust to differing personalities and capitalize on the power of diversity on the team. They recognize that maintaining positive relationships is of critical importance to accomplishing the goals and they make sure that no one is left in their "wake" in the drive to get things done.

Teams are dynamic, ever evolving workplace entities. Ideally, teams are growing in terms of skills, processes and interactions...even though they will experience ups and downs on their path to consistency and success. And if the team is continually building on the strengths of the individual team members, while developing structure and efficiency, the team will achieve greater and greater success.

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