Wednesday, October 14, 2009

E-Tip 256 - 9 Employee Engagement Tips for Your Business

Last week, we outlined the first 4 Employee Engagement Tips. This week we wrap things up with tips 5 - 9 to help you maximize your employee engagement events or programs.

5. Invest In Your People With On-site And Off-site Training - Training comes in different flavors. You have a myriad of choices, from hiring an inside trainer to hiring companies like Dale Carnegie. We suggest a core training program in communication, problem solving and conflict resolution skills. Better communication increases positive outcomes.

6. Ask Your Staff How They Are Really Doing - To help build the bridge to employee engagement, it is important to have open dialogs with your employees by using statement starters like this: "It is one of my goals to improve my skills as a manager/business owner/GM. Tell me, what could I be doing differently?" After having some dialog, ask them, "What could I be doing to make your job easier?" No matter what they say, keep in mind that you asked them for their opinion. That said, be prepared for an honest answer.

7. Laugh Often, Be Positive And Stay Away From Negative Discussions - I know that running a profitable business is filled with lots of stress, but we also need to know that laughing is a nice way to take the edge off the stress. One way of doing this is to take your team off-site for a team-building exercise or recreational event. Additionally, stay away from participating in negative discussions, as they are caustic to the organization.

8. Reward Your Employees In Ways That Motivate Them - Getting to know your employees will help you find new ways to motivate them and boost worker productivity. We often suggest finding the good in everyone and rewarding each and every employee on your staff.

9. Follow Through On Your Re-Engagement Activities - If you plan to develop a company-wide re-engagement program and do not follow-through, it can backfire and cause even more stress for your employees. Why? Many employees are frustrated with training programs or employee programs not backed by management. Are you committed to following through with your employees? Are your managers committed to keeping your employees engaged, involved in and excited about their day-to-day work?

Summary: Your employees are your company's greatest asset and their united ideas, feedback and enthusiasm will keep your business growing and profitable. While a small percentage of people will give their all and do their best no matter what type of working conditions they are in, the majority of people in today's workforce need the guidance of a skilled manager who welcomes their ideas and asks for their opinion. By opening a dialog, you will give these people a greater sense of job security and will have a direct impact on the profits of your business.

For more information, visit our website!

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