Monday, October 22, 2012

Tip #414: How to Implement an Effective Employee Recognition Program

Whether you are an owner of a company or a leader in your organization, an employee recognition program is the perfect tool to help create a productive and innovative business atmosphere.

In addition to thanking a staff member for an excellent job well done, you should also consider a formal employee reward program. Reason being is this: Research has proven that people who feel respected in the workplace are more positive about themselves and their ability to contribute. And people who work for an organization who have a positive sense of worth are potentially the best employees.

Why Are So Many Employee Rewards Programs Short-Lived?

It takes time to carry out an employee recognition program. Such a program can cause some unrecognized employees to complain, become jealous or lead them to a sense of dissatisfaction. Because of these issues, many employers are hesitant to implement employee recognition programs.

Employee recognition programs are also sparse for other reasons including:

  • Employers limit their thoughts on what people will find rewarding.
  • Management teams are not educated on how to implement an effective program.
  • Many assume "one size fits all" for an employee recognition program.

Listed below are three ideas to help you effectively establish an employee recognition program and avoid some potential landmines.

3 Tips For An Effective Employee Recognition Program:

Tip #1: Adequately Develop Your Employee Recognition Program. Many organizations use the shotgun approach to creating an employee recognition program. They put a lot of programs out there and hope some of their efforts will stick and create a few results. Conversely, some companies' programs are so infrequent that their staff does not respect their employee recognition programs.

Suggestion: If you need to increase quality in your organization, hand out weekly thank-you notes for anyone that meets and exceeds your standards. At the end of the month, place the winners' names in a bowl for a gift card.

Tip #2: Establish Clarity And Consistency. If your staff sees someone getting recognized, they will also want to be recognized for the same or a similar contribution. We advise setting up certain employee recognition programs based on specific criteria on what makes a person eligible for the recognition. Should someone meet this criteria they will be recognized.

Tip #3: Acknowledge Daily Contributions. If you are in an environment that needs daily rewards, you will want to set up certain guidelines so that ALL managers acknowledge equal and/or similar contributions. One thing we have seen work is the implementation of a weekly group lunch time to discuss ideas for department improvements (quality, process improvement, etc.). If an employee takes part in this meeting, they get a free lunch and can stay in the meeting until it is over - even if it should exceed their normal lunch break time.

Executive Summary. It is important to recognize everyone who contributes to the success of the organization. Just make sure that the standards are set and everyone knows what they are (both leaders and staff).  We also recommend 1.) Avoiding biased reward systems and 2.) Match the rewards and recognition to the accomplishment.

Informal recognition combined with daily acknowledgments and a formal rewards system will provide the most powerful return on investment and create the kind of motivational climate where people come to work more fully engaged and eager to contribute.

For More information, visit our website!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tip #413: How Does Your Customer Service Attitude Rate?

In today's internet-based world, it is important for your organization to continuously provide "GREAT" customer service - or a great first impression.

Have You Honestly (And Recently) Tested Your Customer Service Department?

It is important for you to listen to how your customer service representatives talk with a customer (or potential customers).

Although this sounds obvious, many leaders choose not to listen to their interaction with customers - which is a grave mistake. Typically, they only look at how many calls per hour they received and how many rings it takes someone to answer a call. Why? Because it is easy to measure; however, great customer service starts with a smile. Not with how many rings it takes to answer the phone (although this is a very important metric).   

Your Organization's Attitude Shows On Every Customer Service Call.

As a business leader, let us ask you this: "What attitude do you want to show a customer or prospective new customer?" The answer should be obvious to you. Attitudes, both positive and negative, are contagious. Make sure yours is worth catching.

8 Skill Sets Of A Great Customer Service Representative:

#1. Adaptability: Great customer service reps are open-minded and demonstrate flexibility when faced with changes and challenges at the office. They are flexible when unexpected changes occur and look at the positive aspects of the future.

#2. Attitude: Great customer service reps maintain a friendly, positive and enthusiastic outlook no matter how negative a customer acts.

#3. Communication: Great customer service reps practice active listening skills complemented with strong oral and written communication skills.

#4. Customer Experience: Great customer service reps leverage positive experiences to create customer loyalty and long-term relationships.

#5. External Awareness: Great customer service reps see things from multiple points of view and become advocates for the customer while maintaining a balance of what is best for the company. 
#6. Influence: Great customer service reps consistently direct situations and inspire internal and external contacts for an all-win situation.

#7. Interpersonal Skills: Great customer service reps display a consistent ability to build solid relationships inside and outside the organization. They also know how to change a negative customer into an advocate for the organization.     

#8. Stress Management: Great customer service reps differentiate between positive and negative stress in order to maintain a balanced attitude.
Executive Summary. The foundation of creating an immensely positive customer service culture is to 1.) Understand and manage everyone's expectation(s) 2.) Go the extra mile without prompting and 3.) Be an advocate for the customer.

A great customer service rep also identifies the right decisions when talking with a customer who needs help. Lastly, an ideal customer service rep can communicate which processes should be improved or changed when talking with the executive management team

For more information, visit our website

Monday, October 8, 2012

Tip # 412: 8 Traits Of A Successful Leader

What makes someone an effective leader or manager? The answer to this question is multi-faceted, as an effective leader or manager has many different dimensions.

And as all great leaders know, they need to be constantly working at honing their management and leaderships skills while broadening their knowledge about the organization for which they work.

A Successful Leader Or Manager Has The Following Characteristics:

To help you or someone you know become a better, more confident leader, we have listed below eight character traits you should possess. Plus, they will make you even more valuable in the open market as well. They are:  

Characteristic #1: Builds Relationships - Top managers develop strong bonds with staff members, colleagues and executives. This provides a platform for working as a team. It also gains respect and trust from coworkers.

Characteristic #2: Communicates Effectively - Top managers are able to communicate in a variety of media. They connect person-to-person and get their message across clearly when on the phone, in-person or via email.

Characteristic #3: Implements Top Listening And Questioning Skills - Top managers know that it is important to listen before speaking. And once they are aware of what they need to know, they ask pertinent questions to see what alternatives or issues need to be addressed.

Characteristic #4: Able To Build A Team - Top managers are able to develop their staff so they can interact more effectively with each other. They create a synergy that motivates the team to produce greater results than they would by working individually.

Characteristic #5: Understands The Financial Aspects Of The Business - Top managers know that profitable sales growth is the key to a successful business. They look at financial goals and measure and manage by designated metrics to ensure success.

Characteristic #6: Knows How To Create A Positive Work Environment - Top managers realize that positive morale and recognition is important to keep everyone motivated. Without positive motivation, people will not work as hard for the organization.

Characteristic #7: Leads by Example - Top managers know when to roll their sleeves up and pitch in to get things done. They also have the knowledge on how to accomplish goals and are always looking for ways to increase efficiency and improve the end result.

Characteristic #8: Helps People Grow And Develop Their Skills- Top managers know the difference between education and on-the-job learning. They are concerned about people's development and career growth. They look for the right ways to help their employees maximize their skills and knowledge.

Executive Summary: Every step you take during your career helps mold you into a better leader or manager. Embodying the characteristics listed above will help make you an effective leader. You know you are a respected leader or manager when people are not only following you, but also voluntarily serving as your advocate. 

For more information, visit our website!

Tip #411: Why You Should Take Responsibility When Mistakes Happen

In the business world, we all experience highs and lows, but some days are exceptionally stressful.

During trying situations, you can only control your reaction, whether that involves blaming others or owning your mistakes and moving forward.

2 Tips On How Great Leaders React To Making Mistakes:

Tip #1: No Excuses. No matter how small or large an issue, making an excuse for a direct or indirect mistake is transparent. The reality is this: An excuse is someone's way to justify or rationalize why something happened and to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. It is a trait of people who fail to succeed.

Why Should You Take Responsibility For Your Actions?

Taking responsibility calms others and halts negativity, plus it can ease your mind. Additionally, when you spend time thinking of solutions to a problem, you force yourself (in a positive way) to become goal-oriented. This is also an effective way to eliminate patterns of negative thought.

Tip #2: Capitalize On The Power Of Positive Thinking. Great leaders have been embracing positive thinking for centuries. This can play a huge factor in your business' success (as well as for your personal growth).

While you need to see business issues with a realistic vision, positive thinking can help you meet your goals. When admitting to your mistakes, you can approach the situation with a fresh and positive approach. This will allow you to harness the power of positive thought.  In doing so, you will find greater success in most aspects of your life. In fact, studies have shown that optimistic people do indeed achieve higher and greater success.

Optimism Will Transform Your Outlook.

If you only look at the negative side of things, you will find that it will limit your success. Conversely, positive self-talk and thoughts will help you accomplish your goals, learn more and carry you through projects faster than you ever thought possible. These types of thoughts will fuel your success.

Executive Summary: We will all face hectic situations in our business career. In these situations, you should own your mistakes and avoid making excuses. When addressing the situation, remain calm, think positively and what options you have to solving it. The result of doing so will only benefit you and help you effectively control the situation.

For more information, visit our website!