Monday, March 15, 2010

Tip #278: 6 Communication Tips For Leaders During Turbulent Times

Communication in the workforce is a crucial element to the success of any business - especially when a company is facing tough economic times. What many owners and executives seem to forget is whether news is good or bad, what matters most is how they deliver that news.

Effective Communication Can Mean The Difference Between Good And Bad Team Morale.

When it comes to the morale of a company, bad news delivered ineffectively can dismantle a team's unity. However, that same bad news delivered effectively can drive a team towards success. The key to making this happen are the leaders who deliver it.

6 Communication Tips For Leaders During Turbulent Times.

1. Mean What You Say - Do not just be a communicative conduit; make what you are communicating personal. Have just as much of an investment in what you are saying as the listener does. Believe what you say. Mean what you say. Being a good communicator means constantly working to maintain and improve the communication process, whether it is written, oral, contextual or intuitive.

2. Rely On Information Channels - Waiting for news to reach you is unwise. Chances are when it finally does fall on your lap the news will already have reached critical mass. Stay ahead by actively gathering information using various information channels - both formal and informal. Use any open doors you have in the company to paint a complete picture for yourself.

3. Talk More, Not Less (and keep your office door physically open) - We live in a world where communication has taken over and is readily available in a multitude of ways. There is no excuse for anyone to be kept in the dark, and attempts to keep anyone in the dark are mostly futile. We communicate so frequently that employees will quickly forgive mistakes, but will not forgive the absence of communication. Not communicating at all will result in irreparable loss of trust.

4. Strike Up Proactive Conversations - There is almost no downside to talking to people, especially face-to-face. In times of uncertainty and change, displaying a willingness to field questions, listen carefully and respond to concerns is a surefire way to build and establish trust, honesty and dependability.

5. Be An Investigative Reporter At Your Business- As mentioned earlier, passively gathering information is not enough. Great leaders get out of the chair and into the field, like an investigative reporter. They actively seek to learn what is being said around the office and they give others the chance to be listened to. Maybe you don't have all the answers, but showing that you are willing to listen and learn will go a long way.

6. Promote The Flow Of Positive Things - You want to create an atmosphere of effective communication, not manipulated information. Worry less about keeping the lid on any news and more about facilitating the flow of information. Better something come from you, the leader, than build mass as a rumor. More importantly, when bad news is delivered candidly it minimizes demoralization.

Summary: Just because these tips are geared towards "turbulent times" does not mean they are not useful all the time. It is said that in real estate "location, location, location" is what sells properties. If that is the case, in business "communication, communication, communication" is what sells management initiatives and keeps a team banded together.

For more information please visit our website!

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