Monday, May 3, 2010

Tip #285: Think Green: 7 Tips To Reduce Paper Waste

These days, "thinking green" is part of our every day lives - including the workplace - but it does not require a major overhaul to make this a reality for your business. In fact, some battles can be won simply by shifting attitudes, like the attitudes towards paper usage.

Going Green WILL Save Your Business Money.

There are many efficient ways to reduce the amount of paper your company uses. Some only require the click of a mouse, e.g., changing print margins on a word document from the default 1.25'' to 1". By making this change through your business, you can reduce paper usage by 8%. It really is that simple.

6 Tips For Reducing Office Paper Waste:

  1. Use Both Sides Of The Paper - This should be obvious. By using the front and back of a piece of paper, you cut your paper use - and paper costs - in half. There is no reason for multiple paged documents not to be printed double-sided. For one-sided documents intended for one-time use, reuse the blank side for draft work or scratch paper.

  1. Only Print What Is Necessary - Any time you go to print, ask yourself if it is really necessary to print the item in question. If only some of the page requires printing, be selective about what you print. That is, use "print selection" to print exactly what you need instead of printing the whole page or document.

  1. Go Electronic Whenever You Can - Nowadays sending information electronically is almost always faster and more secure than sending information out over fax or mailed letters, and in the process cuts down on paper usage.

  1. Start Recycling In The Office - If your office is not already recycling paper products, now is the time to start - especially since it will save your company money. Furthermore, consider purchasing recycled-content paper made from paper pulp recycled without the use of chlorine, as it helps protect against air and water pollution.

  1. Maintain Your Printers/Copiers - Properly maintained copiers are less likely to jam or error while printing, which results in wasted paper. Since printing in an office is unavoidable, it is generally smart to keep copiers and printers in good repair anyway.

  1. Think Smart When You Print - Excess paper can cost you money in many ways. For instance, a 10-page single-sided report being mailed out will cost twice as much in paper usage and additional postage charges. By printing double-sided, you will save money in a variety of ways.

Summary: It might not seem like much, but changing your printing and paper usage habits in the workplace can go a long way. This small change requires no costs and absolutely no sacrifice, but still saves your company a bundle in paper costs while exercising green business practices. So if for no other reasons than the ones listed above, you should go green and get the most from your paper. If nothing else, it is just smart business.

For more information please visit our website!

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