Monday, July 26, 2010

Tip #296: 8 Tips To Help Grow Your Business

Now is perhaps the most interesting time ever to be running a business. On the one hand, there is much more for you to do and worry about. On the other hand, juggling all those responsibilities has been made easier thanks to the rapid development of technology, particularly the Internet.

Despite this, some business owners still tend to fall short when it comes to growing their business. Usually this is because they fail to do anything differently, even though there are scores of new and different ways to get ahead in the business world. With that in mind, we came up with eight tips to help any business grow.

8 Tips To Help Grow Your Business:

  1. Don't Focus On The Economy - Obviously you need to keep track of how the economy influences your prospect's buying behavior, but you should otherwise avoid focusing on it too much. So long as what you offer is of value to people, there will always be a number of prospects you can sell to.
  2. Offer Something New - When people stop buying something they used to, the knee jerk reaction most businesses have is to cut prices. However, this devalues what you offer in the eyes of your prospects. Instead, try to add new or more value to an existing product or service by updating them or bring something new to the table altogether.
  3. Talk To Prospects - The only way to give your prospects and clients what they want is to learn what they want, and that is best accomplished through surveying. To make this happen, use an e-mail hosting tool that gives you the option to e-mail a survey. Keep it simple and flexible.

Click here to get a list of possible customer and employee survey questions.

  1. Keep Up With The Times - Technology continues to grow at an incredible rate, especially communication technology. That means newer, easier ways to stay in contact with your prospects. So instead of shying away from new technology, embrace it.
  2. Build Up Your Databases - Building a strong database of prospects and referral sources has been a building block to business success since the beginning of time. Now it is just easier to do. Still, far too many businesses fall short in this department when it is one thing they should be constantly working on.
  3. Emphasize Your Value - In this day and age there is no patience to be had for a pushy salesperson. Nobody wants to arbitrarily pay for more. Instead, a salesperson needs to be a problem solver who shows a prospect how their product or service is of value to their business.
  4. Stay On Top Of Marketing - Marketing continues to be the most underleveraged area of many businesses. It also tends to be the first thing to go when budgets are tightened. Of course, this is a big mistake. The only way to keep your business on your prospect's minds is to market it.
  5. Don't Go It Alone - Everyone is good at something, but nobody is good at everything, so don't try to be. Fortunately for you, the Internet makes it easier than ever to avoid running a solo operation. If you are unable to hire employees, use virtual assistants to take some of the load off your shoulders.

Summary: Sure, growing your business is hard work. But anything worth obtaining usually is. Remember that there are numerous tools available to you to help grow your business. But they won't magically start working for you on their own. At the end of the day, the trick is to get out there and get started. Take advantage of surveys and always approach a prospect from an angle of value and never stop marketing your business smartly.

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