Thursday, June 12, 2014

Tip #479: 7 Tips For Striking A Balance Between Work And Home Life

Do you find it difficult to balance the demands of your career with your responsibilities at home? If so, you are not alone. Many people are putting in extra hours at work to stay ahead in their careers. But this can mean fewer hours to devote to your home life. So how can you achieve a balance between work and home life? Following just a few simple steps can help.

The 7 Tips For Striking A Balance Between Your Work And Home Life Are:

Tip #1: Prioritize - Making a to-do list each day is a great way to set your priorities. Start by listing your tasks in order of importance. Include work tasks as well as other aspects of your life. This will help you sort out what needs your immediate attention from what can wait.    
Tip #2: Don't Procrastinate - Once you've made your list, set realistic goals and deadlines for completing the tasks at hand - then get to work. Procrastinating from completing the things that need to get done can cause a work pileup. By staying focused on your goals, you will find yourself quickly plugging through your list - freeing up time for your personal life.

Tip #3: Don't Waste The Time You Have - Are you wasting time on activities that add little value to your day? For example, bad habits such as reviewing social media sites and checking personal e-mails can eat up valuable time. Take stock. If an activity does not enhance your career or personal life, minimize the time you spend on it.  

Tip #4: Learn To Delegate - Between your responsibilities at work and your chores at home, do you sometimes feel like you are doing everything? Delegating work in your home life can be extremely effective in time management. For example, try giving age-appropriate chores to your children. This teaches valuable skills and helps them gain more confidence in their accomplishments. It can mean more time for you to spend with them - so everyone wins.

Tip #5: Just Say "No." - Do you find yourself saying yes to others who request your time when what you really want to say is no? We all have the need to please. But you are not doing yourself or others any favors by taking on more than you have time for. Pick and choose what you agree to take on. And don't be afraid to say, "No."

Tip #6: Incorporate "Cell-Phone-Free" Time - The use of technology has enabled us to be "on call" during off-work hours. But it has also blurred the lines between work and home life. It is important to allow time in your personal life that does not include checking work e-mails or taking work-related calls. Whether it's a date night with your spouse or a movie with the kids, be sure to add "cell-phone-free" time to your schedule.   

Tip #7: Plan Time For Yourself - Don't forget to make time just for you. Allow yourself to do the things you truly love, even if that means simply relaxing with a good book or catching up on your favorite TV show.  Making "me" time can go a long way to help recharge your battery.

Executive Summary: In today's fast-paced world, we are forced to do more with less time. The demands of work and home can often feel like a tug of war for our time. But by taking the proper steps, you can achieve balance. Remember to focus on high-priority tasks first. Avoid distractions that can get in the way of meeting your deadlines. Resist taking on more than you can chew. And make sure to fit in family time and "me" time. Finding ways to reduce the stress is ultimately the key to a happier you. 

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