Monday, June 16, 2014

Tip #493: 9 Highly Successful People Share What They Wish They Knew In College

Like countless college students before them, the class of 2014 has little idea what to expect when they enter the working world.

This article from Business Insider shares advice from 9 highly successful people on what they wish they knew in college.

9 Highly Successful People Share What They Wish They Knew In College


"Whether you know exactly where you're heading or feel a bit lost," writes Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg in "Lean In For Graduates," the latest edition of her popular book, "everyone has this in common: you're all in for big surprises."

College graduates will leave the safe, structured world of higher education and enter a fiercely competitive job market, instantly going from the top of the food chain to the bottom. When they land a job, they enter a strange new world of office politics, power jockeying, and hidden agendas. 

To give  young people a head start, Business Insider polled some of the world's most successful people to find out what they wish they had known before they graduated. 

A few common themes: Take risks, stay focused, don't underestimate the power of relationships, and expect the unexpected. 

Arianna Huffington, president and editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post Media Group and author of "Thrive":
"In college, just before I embarked on a career as a writer, I wish I had known that there would be no trade-off between living a well-rounded life and my ability to do good work. 
"I wish I could go back and tell myself, in my thick Greek accent: 'Arianna, your performance will actually improve if you can commit to not only working hard, but also unplugging, recharging, and renewing yourself.' That would have saved me a lot of unnecessary stress, burnout, and exhaustion."

Scott Adams, creator of syndicated comic Dilbert and author of "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big":
"I would tell my young self to keep open as many options as possible because the future is wildly unpredictable. The best way to improve your options is to continually learn as much as you can in fields that are complementary to your main interests. It also helps your odds if you stay networked with as many influential people as you can."

Kay Krill, president and CEO of ANN Inc.:
"The advice I would have given to my college self and any young person entering the workforce today would be to always be authentic and true to yourself and your beliefs. Do not get sidetracked with advice from others that your gut tells you is wrong. By doing this, you will have the clarity of mind to always do the right thing for the business and for yourself."

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