Wednesday, September 9, 2009

E-Tip 201 - 10 Tips to Better "Process Improvement"

Tip #1. Start With Non-Strategic Processes - The benefit of taking on smaller projects is you'll be able to get a "quick hit of success" and gain momentum for future projects.

Tip #2. Build A Process Improvement Team - Creating a team with the necessary skills and tools will allow you to go in like a SWAT team and isolate and address specific issues.

Tip #3. Set Realistic Expectations - Setting and managing expectations is one of the most critical elements in process improvement. Be realistic in what you can and cannot deliver. Otherwise, it sets up failure for future process improvement projects.

Tip # 4. Start Small To Gain Experience And Confidence - As outlined on tip #1, start off with something you can wrap your team around; especially on the initial start of a process improvement initiative.

Tip #5. Don't Think Technology Is The Silver Bullet - Technology is a great tool but it won't resolve problems. That said, it's all about the people and their ability to leverage the tools they have to use.

Tip #6. Do Use Technology To Improve A Process - As in tip #5, technology is a wonderful tool but you need to refine the procedure, the systems, and more importantly, the people who are responsible for the process.

Tip #7. Don't Give Up! - Need we say more?

Tip #8. Make Sure You Have Sufficient Resources - You can always have too little resources but you can't have too many! From personnel to money, it all needs to be addressed at the beginning of a project.

Tip #9. Consider A Consultant - Bringing in a fresh perspective may spot inefficiencies you've missed. When someone says "this is the way it's always been done" you know it's time to get an outside perspective.

Tip #10. Gain Senior Management Support - If the top management isn't 100% committed to process improvement it will fail. That said, many businesses give a 25% - 50% year-end incentive bonus to their executive team if they implement process improvement in their division or department; conversely, they lose the bonus if they don't hit the desired outcome.

Summary: Though "process improvement" has various levels, following these tips will help you gain more control on implementing or managing your company's process improvement efforts.

For more information, visit our website!

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