Monday, September 14, 2009

E-Tip 223 - 5 Steps for Delivering More Value

The 5 Steps For Delivering Value To Your Customers And Prospects Are:

1. Proactive Research - Giving customers what they want may require figuring it out for them. It is not just doing everything your customers tell you they want you to do. It is also doing things that are in their best interest as well as your best interest. So, find out what these things are and make a plan of action.

2. Ask Them What They Want - Gather information about what the buyer needs, wants and expects before you try to close a sale. Going into the sale informed will allow you to offer value to your prospects.

3. Talk To The Right People - What good does it do you to find out your customers' needs, wants, and goals from a person if that person cannot make the decision to hire you? Instead, get in the face of the owner, manager or principal decision maker of that company. This will ensure that you are spending your time wisely, and in turn, you will have time to offer the most value to your clients and prospects.

4. Help Them Focus On Future Results - Create a "story about the future" and insert your prospects' names and ideas into those stories. This is a powerful way to have someone look at how you can influence their future. Furthermore, this encourages a prospect to ask you questions, which increases your chances of closing a sale (given that you know how to answer those questions properly).

5. Emphasize How You Can Save Them Money - Be sure to inform your prospects about the competitive advantage they will get through using your service. They will certainly gain improved business processes, which will save them money. Help them focus on the short and long-term effects of professional training rather than the immediate cost of your service. This will help them see their ROI and the value that you offer.

The 4 Competencies For Delivering Value To Customers And Prospects Are:

1. Customer Acquisition - A valued company is able to identify and convert prospects into customers who are champions for their organization.

2. Interpersonal Skills - A valued company displays a consistent ability to build solid relationships of trust and respect inside and outside the organization.

3. Communication - A valued company is able to advance the abilities of individuals and the organizations through active listening supported with meaningful oral and written presentation.

4. Customer Service - A valued company provides quality customer service with customers to maintain a long-term relationship. They leverage positive experiences to create customer loyalty and a desire for them to be a champion for your organization.

Summary: Asking questions and doing your research before meeting with a prospect will help you generate interest and value. Your value to clients will be increased immensely by identifying your buyers' needs and by discovering ways to solve problems or create opportunities.

For more information, visit our website!

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