Monday, September 14, 2009

E-Tip 225 - 4 Quick Process Improvement Tips

Process improvement involves the practice of looking at how you do things and discovering the best way to do them. And when you can consistently improve a process, you will save time, money and energy.

The 4 Quick Process Improvement Tips Are:

1. Review, Discuss and Analyze Existing Processes - Take a look at the way things are currently being done and make a note if there are obvious ways to increase efficiency. Have a team meeting to discuss current processes and inefficiencies your staff has noticed. The best input comes from the people who actually have to implement a process.

2. Create a New Process - The best way to think about creating a new process is to ask yourself, "What would I need to put in place to enable someone else to do this?" Not only will this help you step back and look at the process from an objective point of view, but it will prepare that process for outsourcing, which could be a way to save even more money.

3. Be Consistent - Consistently implementing a process will cause it to become a procedure. Procedures increase efficiency and reduce or eliminate questions about how to handle tasks.

4. Get Your People On Board - Be sure to have everyone's support to follow the processes. Obtaining their input and explaining how improved processes will be helpful to everyone will win them over to the new processes.

The 5 Competencies For Anyone Involved With A Process Improvement Initiative:

1. Teamwork - People involved in process improvement must be able to organize work tasks, people, and resources to deliver most effectively on organization goals.

2. Change Management - People involved in process improvement must be able proactively seek opportunities to redirect self, others and the organization to achieve desired results.

3. Creative Thinking - People involved in process improvement must be innovative. They incorporate existing ideas and new ideas in a unique approach to resolve issues and capitalize on opportunities.

4. Initiative - People involved in process improvement must be able to proactively make things happen. They are self-disciplined, evaluate themselves and others, and take positive corrective action when necessary.

5. Communication - People involved in process improvement must be able communicate well with everyone in the organization in order to have tasks completed and goals met.

Summary: Improving processes in your business is an ongoing course of action; it is not something you do once and then forget about. Actively managing processes and continuously seeking ways to improve upon efficiencies and processes will help you get the most out of your work day. Be sure that everyone who will take part in the process is involved in the planning and implementation. With this, you are well on your way to saving time, money and energy.

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