Monday, September 14, 2009

E-Tip 239 - 9 Tips for Balancing Work and Life

Achieving balance between work and life is no small feat. You can make this task easier, however, but following certain steps. You will find that the peace that comes with having an adequate work-life balance is well worth the effort of becoming balanced.

The 9 Tips For Balancing Work And Life Are:

  1. Stop And Smell The Roses - Life is too short to be constantly running in high gear. Take some time to sit still and enjoy a moment of peace whenever you can. Also, allow yourself more time for things. Schedule more time between meetings and errands. Leave one weeknight free of plans to do something spontaneous. Slow down and enjoy life and you will find that you are just as productive as before - because you are not wasting time worrying and being stressed out.
  2. Manage Your Time - Learn to better manage your time at home and at work. Do not procrastinate things that need to be done - otherwise they tend to pile up. Do yourself a favor and set realistic goals and deadlines. Stick to these goals and deadlines and you will find that life flows just a little better.
  3. Get Organized - Some people do not take the time to get organized. You need to "make" the time to get organized. Once you do this, you will save yourself a ton of time in the long run.
  4. Delegate - Do not feel like you have to do everything. Delegate what you can at work as well as at home. At home, delegating age-appropriate chores to your children will teach them valuable skills. Do not worry if the task is not done perfectly. Your child will bask in the glow of accomplishment and you will have more time to spend with your child - a win-win situation.
  5. Just Say "No" - Do not agree to do everything you are asked just to please everyone who asks you. If you do not have the time to do a good job you are not doing these people any favors. So do yourself and them a favor and pick and choose what you take on.

  1. Set Priorities - Make a list of things to do and set your priorities. Doing so will help you complete the tasks that really need your attention. It may also help you realize which tasks do not need to be done or may be completed less frequently.
  2. Simplify - Try to simplify life however you can. Maybe you need to take the time to clean out your closet at home or at work so you can truly get organized. Whatever it is just do it and you will feel better afterwards.
  3. Use Technology - Utilize technology to make life easier and faster whenever possible. Contact managers will help you manage your business and personal contacts and save you time looking for a business card.
  4. Know When NOT To Use Technology - Technology can be a great time-saver but it also can be a great user of time. Cell phones and e-mails can especially eat away at your "free time." Be sure to have some cell-phone free time with your family to help you balance your work and your home life.

Summary: With the proper steps, you can achieve a satisfactory work-life balance. Just beware that balance is a process, not an end result. New things thrown into the equation of life will require you to rebalance your life from time to time. Rebalancing is necessary to have a good balance between work and home life, which will allow you to feel calmer and appreciate things more.

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