Monday, September 14, 2009

E-Tip 249 - Top 3 Tips to Help Leaders Become Better Coaches

One of the undisputed best golfers of all times is Tiger Woods. When he was only 4 years old they hired a coach for him. To this day, Tiger Woods still has a coach, and he has always had one. Tiger recognizes that he continually needs to find ways to improve and sharpen his skills in order to stay on top of his game.

The funny thing is, he would most certainly beat his coach on a consistent basis if he were to play him. Yet he respects the fact that someone else is in a better position to analyze what he is doing, see his mistakes and help him make adjustments and corrections.

The Top Three Tips To Help Leaders Become Better Coaches Are:

1. Determine The Best Type Of

Coaching - There are a wide spectrum of

coaching techniques and approaches. So much

depends on the person, the people and the

circumstances. The right blend of support and

direction can bring out the best in everyone.

Basically, there are two primary techniques applied

by a coach: supportive coaching and directive

coaching. Good leaders need to know when to apply

each type.

2. Pay Equal Attention To Everyone -

At mediocre companies, unfortunately, top performers typically get the least amount of attention because most top performers are left alone to do what they do best and most of the attention goes to the underachiever. But what companies fail to realize is that even top performers have room for improvement and they are usually eager to learn. Studies have shown that the most successful companies have the highest number of above average performers because they are continuously coaching all of their employees. So be sure to invest some time coaching all of your employees, rather than just the people who appear to need help. Your time invested will be well worth the return in productivity.

3. Build Relationships To Build Respect -Coaching is a huge responsibility for every leader and for many people it can be a major challenge. Great leaders know that building solid relationships with their associates, peers, employees and external customers is the best way to help them be more receptive to coaching and ultimately help them to achieve their objectives.

Summary: Executives, Managers and Supervisors need to maintain certain performance standards by ensuring everyone follows specific policies and procedures. By doing so, it helps individuals and teams to hit their assigned targets. When people are mentored through strong coaching, they not only achieve organizational objectives, but they also grow and develop professionally and personally.

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