Wednesday, September 9, 2009

E-Tip 211 - How to Motivate and Gain Commitments from a Prospect

Throughout the sales process, many buyers are constantly evaluating what is being said and done by a salesperson. Although a buyer may respond verbally, physically, or emotionally to the concepts and materials being presented, a salesperson needs to be "in-tune" to what a buyer is and is not doing...from buying signals to warning signals.

3 Skills That Can Help To Win A Sale...

Great salespeople possess that sixth sense - that keen ability to move in with the appropriate sales evidence, closing question or enlisting the help of a customer service specialist. The three primary areas a great salesperson sees is:

1. How to recognize buying signals

2. How to accurately interpret buying signals

3. How to quickly respond to buying signals

Sales research has proven that you can gain faster and easier commitments if a salesperson becomes a trusted advisor to a buyer. When they do become a trusted source, they will walk away with a sale 70% - 100% more often. Conversely, the over-emphasis of closing by a salesperson can give the impression to a buyer that you are using manipulative techniques...techniques that are easily seen even by the most novice buyers.

4 Competencies For Becoming A Great Salesperson Are:

1. Customer Acquisition: Great salespeople can identify not only the right type of prospects, but they can also convert prospects into customers. They can also convert these customers into "champions" for their organization.

2. Effective Oral and Written Communication Skills: Great salespeople are not only great conversationalist, but can also put these thoughts down in writing clearly and concisely. Doing so, they know that they can not only illustrate the best features of what they are selling, but also the direct business benefits.

3. Influence: Great salespeople consistently inspire not only buyers to make a buying decision, but also internal people to make certain of an all-win environment.

4. Customer Experience: Great salespeople form a positive long-term relationship with a significant majority of their clients. They can also leverage most relationships to create a high degree of customer loyalty.

Summary: Although this e-tip is geared toward salespeople, it is also for anyone who needs to create a sense of urgency with someone. You do this by communicating what the person lacks and painting a clear picture of how you have the solution to their problem. To do this, ask for a buyer's commitment during each phase of the sales process and then use the proper closing techniques to gain the final commitment.

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